Foundational APIs for the Emerging Building Electrification Industry



who are driving this historic infrastructure transition

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501 Randall rd, Ballston spa, NY 12020
Fetching address/building & energy model from RadiantLabs API...
2  "addressFoundFull": "501 RANDALL RD, BALLSTON SPA, NY 12020",
3  "addressFoundComponents": {
4    "addressLine1": "501 RANDALL RD",
5    "city": "BALLSTON SPA",
6    "stateAbbreviation": "NY",
7    "zipCode": "12020"
8  },
9  "timelines": [
10    {
11      "id": "f8e56a68-f8a3-441a-9ad3-ee47917078dc",
12      "radiantId": "2f332f0f-cdbf-41ea-a80f-fdb1a2db2e8f",
13      "label": "STATUS_QUO",
14      "models": [
15        {
16          "id": "d03756e0-3ca8-4536-9b3b-00b3b25793b7",
17          "radiantId": "377f4a7d-45c4-4da1-ac8d-af9cf186370a",
18          "label": "BASE",
19          "providedBaseBuilding": {},
20          "energyTotals": {
21            "annual": {
22              "electricityTotal": {
23                "mbtu": [
24                  104.5
25                ],
26                "kwh": [
27                  30625.92995
28                ]
29              },
30              "naturalGasTotal": {
31                "mbtu": [
32                  0
33                ]
34              },
35              "fuelOilTotal": {
36                "mbtu": [
37                  0
38                ]
39              },
40              "propaneTotal": {
41                "mbtu": [
42                  0
43                ]
44              },
45              "woodCordTotal": {
46                "mbtu": [
47                  0
48                ]
49              },
50              "woodPelletsTotal": {
51                "mbtu": [
52                  0
53                ]
54              },
55              "coalTotal": {
56                "mbtu": [
57                  0
58                ]
59              },
60              "total": {
61                "mbtu": [
62                  104.5
63                ]
64              }
65            }
66          },
67          "energyCosts": {
68            "annual": {
69              "electricityTotal": [
70                3871.11754568
71              ],
72              "naturalGasTotal": [
73                0
74              ],
75              "fuelOilTotal": [
76                0
77              ],
78              "propaneTotal": [
79                0
80              ],
81              "woodCordTotal": [
82                0
83              ],
84              "woodPelletsTotal": [
85                0
86              ],
87              "coalTotal": [
88                0
89              ],
90              "total": [
91                3871.11754568
92              ]
93            }
94          },
95          "emissionTotals": {
96            "annual": {
97              "electricityTotal": {
98                "co2": [
99                  3.2510708970923385
100                ]
101              },
102              "naturalGasTotal": {
103                "co2": [
104                  0
105                ]
106              },
107              "fuelOilTotal": {
108                "co2": [
109                  0
110                ]
111              },
112              "propaneTotal": {
113                "co2": [
114                  0
115                ]
116              },
117              "coalTotal": {
118                "co2": [
119                  0
120                ]
121              },
122              "woodCordTotal": {
123                "co2": [
124                  0
125                ]
126              },
127              "woodPelletsTotal": {
128                "co2": [
129                  0
130                ]
131              },
132              "total": {
133                "co2": [
134                  3.2510708970923385
135                ]
136              }
137            }
138          },
139          "appliedBaseBuilding": {
140            "appliances": {
141              "clothesDryers": [
142                {
143                  "combinedEnergyFactor": 3.73,
144                  "fuel": "electricity",
145                  "id": "ClothesDryer1",
146                  "isVented": true,
147                  "ventedFlowRate": 150
148                }
149              ],
150              "cookingRanges": [
151                {
152                  "fuel": "electricity",
153                  "id": "CookingRange1",
154                  "isInduction": false
155                }
156              ]
157            },
158            "buildingSummary": {
159              "averageCeilingHeight": 8,
160              "bathCount": 2,
161              "bedroomsCount": 4,
162              "conditionedFloorArea": 2413,
163              "residentCount": 3.2366863905325443,
164              "storiesCount": 1,
165              "windowToWallFraction": 0.14,
166              "yearBuilt": 1975
167            },
168            "enclosure": {
169              "airInfiltration": {
170                "housePressurePa": 50,
171                "rate": 15,
172                "rateUnit": "ACH"
173              },
174              "attics": [
175                {
176                  "area": 1225,
177                  "floorAssemblyEffectiveRValue": 39.6,
178                  "id": "AtticVented1",
179                  "isVented": true
180                }
181              ],
182              "foundations": [
183                {
184                  "area": 1188,
185                  "id": "BasementConditioned1",
186                  "type": "basement conditioned",
187                  "wallHeight": 8
188                }
189              ],
190              "roofs": [
191                {
192                  "area": 1370,
193                  "assemblyEffectiveRValue": 2.3,
194                  "id": "Roof1",
195                  "pitch": 6
196                }
197              ],
198              "walls": [
199                {
200                  "assemblyEffectiveRValue": 9.3,
201                  "fractionAreaShared": 0,
202                  "id": "Wall1Exposed",
203                  "type": "wood stud"
204                }
205              ]
206            },
207            "systems": {
208              "electricalPanels": [
209                {
210                  "id": "ElectricalPanel1"
211                }
212              ],
213              "hvac": {
214                "hvacControlSystems": [
215                  {
216                    "coolingSeason": {
217                      "setbackStartHour": null,
218                      "setbackTemp": null,
219                      "setpointTemp": 78,
220                      "totalWeeklySetbackHours": null
221                    },
222                    "heatingSeason": {
223                      "setbackStartHour": null,
224                      "setbackTemp": null,
225                      "setpointTemp": 68,
226                      "totalWeeklySetbackHours": null
227                    },
228                    "id": "HVACControl1"
229                  }
230                ],
231                "hvacCoolingSystems": [
232                  {
233                    "compressorType": null,
234                    "coolCapacityBtuPerHour": null,
235                    "coolEfficiency": 10.7,
236                    "coolEfficiencyUnits": "EER",
237                    "coolLoadFraction": 0.33,
238                    "id": "room air conditioner1",
239                    "systemType": "room air conditioner"
240                  }
241                ],
242                "hvacHeatingSystems": [
243                  {
244                    "fuel": "electricity",
245                    "heatEfficiency": 1,
246                    "heatEfficiencyUnits": "percent",
247                    "heatLoadFraction": 1,
248                    "id": "ElectricResistance1",
249                    "systemType": "electric resistance"
250                  }
251                ]
252              },
253              "waterHeating": {
254                "waterHeatingSystems": [
255                  {
256                    "hotWaterTemperature": 125,
257                    "dhwLoadFraction": 1,
258                    "tankVolume": 40,
259                    "connectedHeatingId": null,
260                    "fuel": "electricity",
261                    "heatCapacityBtuPerHour": null,
262                    "systemType": "storage water heater",
263                    "energyFactor": 0.92,
264                    "id": "WaterHeater1",
265                    "uniformEnergyFactor": null,
266                    "location": null
267                  }
268                ]
269              }
270            }
271          }
272        }
273      ],
274      "totalEnergyCosts": 3871.11754568,
275      "totalEmissions": {
276        "co2": 3.2510708970923385
277      }
278    }
279  ]

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Modeled financials: operating & installed calls, investment metrics
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Energy Model
Solar & Battery Sizing
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Back Office
Google Sheets
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Home Audits
Government Policy & Market Adoption
Radiant Discovery Tool
Lead Gen & Targeting
Radiant Discovery Tool
Web-to-lead forms
Rebate Programs and Grid Management
Radiant Discovery Tool
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How do we do it

Your Address:
501 Randall rd, Ballston spa, NY 12020
Energy Models
Financial  Models
Building Data
Recommendation Engine
Realization Rates
Weather Normalization
Rebate Eligibility
Energy Model
Energy Savings
Financial Savings
Carbon Savings
HVAC Sizing
PV Sizing
Battery Sizing
Optimal Packages
Home Profile
Proprietary Building Data
Regional and Age Based Defaulting Engine
Utility Bills

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